Passionate basketball game, the release of summer charm

Click:0  Time:2016-10-14
    After more than a month thirty-one round robin, layers of cut, and ultimately by the storage warehouse won the men's championship; to the office as the representative of the Warriors won the women's championship.
     Although the game is in hot weather, when the rain early summer season, but the athletes were not affected by the weather, all passion, the atmosphere is very active. Whether it is team members or live cheerleaders are full of energy, high morale. In the sound of cheering one after another, both players whole-heartedly, the game out of the level of basketball competition, the game out of the exclusive Dong Fang Ai saint's style.
     In line with the principle of "Friendship First, Competition Second", this competition has deepened the understanding, communication and understanding between the various departments of Dongfang. More importantly, it strengthened the cohesion and team consciousness within the company. To a more full of mental outlook into the work, the perfect interpretation of the "happy work, healthy living" business philosophy!


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